Event analytics

What do you know about the actions that happen on your site?

website event analytics

Capturly's Event analytics lets you create and track custom events on your website. Track every required action from reaching the footer of your site to pressing the desired button. With event analytics user interactions such as clicks, video plays, downloads can be tracked independently using custom variables. Goals can be defined as completed activities, that help you determine how well your website performs (such as blog subscription, purchases, etc.).

Besides these, Capturly will automatically track every visited page, outbound link click and download from your website without any setup. Now you can get closer to your users by understanding the real motives behind their actions. Dig into your events and understand why your retention and conversion grow or diminish over time.

Having all the actions, events and other website analytics in one place will tell you how people behave on your website. Find out what motivates people to keep things moving the way you want.

Track your visitors’ behavior on your website in order to understand their motives better.

Never miss a click again!

Start to optimize your website today!