Customer support

Make easier to resolve user issues

Resolving user complaints can end in an endless loop. Managing all the technical details, usage information and feedback can take a lot of time for your support and development team, even if you run a well-organized helpdesk. Replicating complete user stories can save a lot of time for your team and make the resolvement process faster and easier.

Capturly tech support

After implementing a short code snippet to your website, you will receive all the key data (e.g. location, browser or OS version) about your previous visitors and registered users. Capturly enables you to track all your pages and features, even on the member-only pages, and playback each action on your website.

By checking the session recordings frequently, you can even overtake your visitors. Identify the bottlenecks and apply changes even before the issues arrive to your support team. If it didn’t convince you, ask your support team!

Capturly enables you to have all the required data for solving important user issues at your fingertips.

Discover how Capturly works

Capturly analytics platform

Analytics platform

Discover where your customers are from and how they engage with your website.

Capturly session recording

Session recording

See every action of your website visitors as if you were watching them over their shoulders.

Replicate and solve user issues faster and easier than ever before.